Welcome Letter

Dear Aspiring Trader,


Now, before you begin on your journey towards your financial goals, please take 5 minutes to read the following Terms of Service.

Terms of Service

(Do note that by moving to the next chapter, you are indicating you have read, understood and agree to the terms of service.)

  1. Past performance of any trading system or methodology does not necessarily indicate future results.
  2. FX GOAT FOREX TRADING ACADEMY (FFTA) , its board of directors, officers, employees or consultants do not guarantee performance will be profitable or will result in losses.
  3. FFTA Ltd is the sole legal and beneficial owner of all intellectual property rights in relation to the training programme(s) herein (“Intellectual Property Rights”). Any unauthorized reproduction without the written consent of [FFTA Ltd] will be considered an infringement of the Intellectual Property Rights of [FFTA Ltd]. For the purposes of this agreement, intellectual property rights include (but are not limited to) training materials, training programmes, seminars and video recordings.
  4. You must not directly, or indirectly conduct, advertise, promote or solicit any business activity in competition with FFTA and all/any of its associated programmes and offers, otherwise, FFTA reserves the right to revoke your participation and terminate your privileges in FFTA Profits and all/any of its associated programmes and offers, including any specified support.
  5. Violators of this terms of service will have their access revoked with no warning and no refunds are allowed.

After you have done so, you can proceed to the first chapter of the course! If you have any questions(admin or course related), do contact my team at [email protected] and they will assist you accordingly.

May the markets be with you,


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